Tuesday, January 5, 2010



5 days into the new year and I know I said I wouldn't make a New Year's Resolution... Who was I kidding??!!!??
I had a convo with my Hun that sparked a flame and raised the bar of expectation in 2010.
*DARNdarn darn*
I was told that "you NEVER stay the same. You either get better or get worse."
Not a new statement but those friendly reminders to slap you in the mouth is just like "OKAY, OKAY I'M READY! LET'S ROLL."
It's amazing how people can inspire you without even knowing it. Just observation of seeing someone being consistant and persistant in their own journey towards their personal mark of success may spark a flame in someone watching from a distance.
My grandfather, the late Rev. Jessie Lafayette, Sr. use to always tell me "Faith without works is dead." Pawpaw, I haven't forgotten. I still have faith the size of a mustard seed and believe I can move mountains and am praying for the strength to climb the mountains that may appear as obstacles but are only there for me to appreciate the view after taking the journey to the peak.
My personal obstacles, may not be your personal obstacles.. My struggles may not be your struggles... but one thing is for sure... We all have'em.
It's all in *how you handle them , that will determine if they handle you!*
Buckle up and enjoy the ride....
It's gonna be a long year... full of hard work and dedication like never before.
All the good and bad... I'm leaving in the past... Believing that God will mount me on wings of an eagle and take me to higher grounds. I believe the same for you... I sure hope you realize the only thing between you and your goal.... Is your fear of letting go and letting God do what He said he would do IF you trust Him....
Okay, I'm almost finished with work... I have to go get my oil changed, hit a meeting, hit the gym and get my nails done... "WHAT? I TOLD YOU SELF ENHANCEMENT WAS MY NEW YEAR'S RESOULTION"....

homework assignment: youtube "Let Go, Let God"
I love the song... and it's written by my boy PJ Morton
*who's coming to Baton Rouge real soon!*

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